Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Green Bean Snack

Green Bean Snack
Since I picked up my first quart of green beans at the Pearl Alley Farmer’s Market a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been “needing” to have crisp, cold green beans as an afternoon snack. These are very simple and I can prepare and package them in advance.

1 qt. green beans
Sea salt
Lemon-Pepper Seasoning (I have a grinder of this from Trader Joes that costs $1.99)
Half a lemon

Bring enough water to a boil to cover beans while washing and snapping the stem ends off the beans. Once boiling, add the green beans and watch closely. You want them to remain bright green and crisp, so don’t overcook. After a couple of minutes, I’ll scoop one out and run under cold water and bite it to check to see if it’s “done” enough. This will be based on your preference, but don’t let them get soggy. While beans are boiling, I’ll fill a large enough bowl with ice water, so that when they are done, I can drain the beans and place them in the ice bath so that they stop cooking. Sometimes I need to change the water so that they cool down enough. When cooled, drain and squeeze the lemon over the beans and sprinkle with the desired amount of seasonings. I like mine heavily seasoned.

I divide between 3 containers and take in my lunch to snack on right from the fridge.

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